1. Inspection company services (inspection services)
In the process of product development and production, independent third-party inspections that can be trusted are required to conduct cargo inspections to ensure that customers’ product quality standards are met at every stage of production.
Benefits of different types of inspection services as below:
Inspection before shipment
When the production of the order is 80% complete, the inspector will go to the factory to inspect and use the industry standard process to comprehensively inspect and test your product, including process, packaging, steamed bread, etc., to ensure that it meets the agreed specifications and industry standards. . Having a professional and qualified inspection service can better ensure that the product meets the customer’s specifications and ensure that the goods will not cause errors and cause risks.
Inspection during production
This service is very suitable for the strict requirements of large-scale shipments, continuous production lines, and fashion shipments. If bad results are found during pre-production inspections, then the production batches are checked and the products on the production lines are checked for possible defects. , Usually when 10-15% of the product is complete. In-production inspections can determine if there are any deviations, make recommendations for corrective actions, and re-examine any defects during the prenatal inspection to confirm that they have been corrected. Why do customers need to check during production? Finding defects early and taking action early can save customers time and money!
Pre-production inspection
After you have selected a supplier, you must complete the pre-production inspection before mass production begins. The main purpose of the pre-production inspection is to check whether your supplier understands your requirements and the specifications of your order, and prepares for it.
The main content of pre-production inspection:
Check the preparation of production materials
Check whether the factory understands your order requirements
Check factory production schedule
Check the production line of the factory
Loading supervision and inspection
Some inspection processes performed during all loading operations, including the packaging process performed at the manufacturer’s plant or warehouse, the packing process before shipment, checking whether the goods meet all requirements, checking the appearance of the package, the number and size of the boxes Meet contract standards and transportation standards, check the protection of transportation, and also check the cleanliness of transportation, such as cargo holds, railway wagons, ship decks, and more.
2. Why do we need factory audit services?
Factory audit services can help you ensure that your potential existing suppliers provide high-quality products, operate efficiently and support continuous improvement.
Factory audit services
In today’s highly competitive consumer market, buyers need a supplier base to work with them to meet all aspects of production, from design and quality to product life cycle time and delivery requirements. However, how do you effectively select new partners? How do you monitor the progress of existing suppliers? How do you effectively work with suppliers to maintain a focus on quality and time?
The factory evaluation audits the factory’s production capacity and performance to prove that the factory is capable of producing products that meet quality. The key criteria for the evaluation are policies, procedures, and records that demonstrate the factory’s ability to provide consistent quality management over time At a specific time or only for certain products.
The core areas and processes of factory assessment design include:
Quality management system
Good production practice
Factory environmental standards
Product control
Process control
3.Why does your supply chain in China and Asia need QC inspection?
Find quality issues early so you don’t have to deal with defects after the product has landed.
Performing quality checks at all stages-not just pre-shipment checks-will help companies monitor their products and processes and make important decisions to improve their current systems.
Reduce your return rate and risk of product failure. Handling customer complaints takes up a lot of company resources. It’s also tedious for employees.
Keep suppliers alert-get better quality products. In a way, it’s a way to collect data to increase efficiency. Being able to spot problems and weaknesses will enable them to correct these errors and respond accordingly.
The speed of your supply chain. Effective quality control before shipping will help reduce marketing costs. It will help you shorten lead times and facilitate timely delivery of products to recipients.