The second meeting of the Emergency Committee convened by the WHO Director-General under the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005) regarding the outbreak of novel coronavirus 2019 in the People’s Republic of China, with exportations to other countries, took place on Thursday, 30 January 2020, from 13:30 to 18:35 Geneva time (CEST). The Committee’s role is to give advice to the Director-General, who makes the final decision on the determination of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). The Committee also provides public health advice or suggests formal Temporary Recommendations as appropriate.
See below some main comments/conclusion from the WHO meeting.
The Committee does not recommend any travel or trade restriction based on the current information available.At present, the Chinese government is taking the most powerful measures,and everything is under control. Life is normal in most other parts of China by far, with only a few cities like Wuhan affected. I believe it will all return to normal soon.
Below Are WHO’s Suggestions To the People’s Republic of China.
Continue to:
Implement a comprehensive risk communication strategy to regularly inform the population on the evolution of the outbreak, the prevention and protection measures for the population, and the response measures taken for its containment.
Enhance public health measures for containment of the current outbreak.
Ensure the resilience of the health system and protect the health workforce.
Enhance surveillance and active case finding across China.
Collaborate with WHO and partners to conduct investigations to understand the epidemiology and the evolution of this outbreak and measures to contain it.
Share relevant data on human cases.
Continue to identify the zoonotic source of the outbreak, and particularly the potential for circulation with WHO as soon as it becomes available.
Conduct exit screening at international airports and ports, with the aim of early detection of symptomatic travelers for further evaluation and treatment, while minimizing interference with international traffic.