Different kinds of bike parts and bicycle quality inspection:

Bicycle : Roadbicycle,Trackbicycle,Mountainbike,DownHillbike,Recumbent,Touringbicycle
Advertisingbike, Cross-countrycycling,Tandembicycle, Motorizedbicycle Cycling BMX

Bicycle spare parts: bicycle bell ,bicycle bottom bracket ,bicycle brake ,bicycle chain lock
bicycle chain set ,bicycle chain ,bicycle chainwheel and crank ,bicycle dynamo ,bicycle ergomotor ,bicycle expansion brake ,bicycle external gear-shaft ,bicycle frame ,bicycle freewheel
bicycle front fork lock ,bicycle front fork ,bicycle gloves ,bicycle hand brake ,bicycle handle bar
bicycle handle grip ,bicycle hub brake ,bicycle light ,bicycle lock ,bicycle luggage carrier
bicycle maker's pliers ,bicycle mudguard ,bicycle of plastic wheel ,bicycle parts production line
bicycle pedal ,bicycle pump ,bicycle rim ,bicycle saddle ,bicycle safety fork ,bicycle spare parts and accessories ,bicycle spoke ,bicycle stand ,bicycle steel ball ,bicycle tire pump ,bicycle tube
bicycle tyre and tube ,bicycle tyre ,bicycle wind accelerator ,bicycle wrench

bicycle quality inspection

Some common factors for bicycle parts and bike quality control:

1. Appearance quality: Decals should be good, the position should be correct; Material surface, the weld surface shouldn't have visible defects
2.Type size, mounting dimensions
3. The screw thread
4. Quality of paint film: film resistance to impact strength, hardness and corrosion resistance
5. Intensity
6. Safety sign
7. The quality of coating: coating thickness, corrosion resistance ability
8. Abrasion test
9. Structure performance: the connection should be solid, not loose, should be no jam phenomenon of rotary

Bicycle quality inspection bike QC wheel tire


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